Vibrant Health is excited to announce raising $278,000 at A Vibrant Night 2021. This virtual event aimed to raise awareness of the work of Vibrant Health and the growing need in Wyandotte County. Proceeds from this event will support Vibrant Health’s mission of providing access to high-quality health care for the community, regardless of socio-economic obstacles.

The evening featured powerful testimonials and messages from staff and community leaders in support of Vibrant Health’s mission, including an inspiring message from Vibrant Health’s long-time Medical Director, Dr. William Pankey, who plans to retire later this year.

Throughout the night, more than 170 individuals at 80 households tuned in. Some long-time supporters hosted viewing parties in their homes with friends and family. For others, this event was the first time supporting Vibrant Health’s work.
“When we decided to host this event virtually, we were somewhat apprehensive about participation. We are so thrilled by the level of support from our donors, both old and new, including 28 first-time supporters!” – April Padgett, Director of Individual and Corporate Giving

Thank you to the presenting sponsor, The University of Kansas Health System, and event co-chairs, Tammy Peterman and Doug Anning. Additionally, Vibrant Health would like to recognize the generous support of all of the event sponsors at the Health Champion, Warrior, Hero, and Advocate levels.
Did you miss this event? You can contribute to Vibrant Health today. View the entire A Vibrant Night Event live stream here.