Women’s Health

Women's Health

Women's Health

Vibrant Health offers comprehensive women’s health services for adolescents, teens and adults.

  • Women’s exams (pap smears, breast exams, mammograms)
  • Pregnancy care (before, during and after pregnancy)
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing
  • Teen health
  • Birth control
  • Colposcopy

Women's Health Team

Vibrant Staff
Alicia Brooks, APRN
Annabel Mancillas
Dr. Annabel Mancillas, MPH, FACOG
Dr. Laura Parisi
Dr. Megan Madrigal
Anna "Olivia" Taylor, APRN

Early Detection Works Program

Early Detection Works (EDW) covers preventative services for women between the ages of 21-64 including breast and cervical cancer screenings and colposcopy.

This program enrolls Kansas women at average risk who:

  • Are 21 to 64 years old for cervical cancer screenings
  • Are 40 to 64 years old for breast cancer screenings
  • Do not have health insurance
  • Have this much family income or less before taxes:

Kansas Department of Health and Environment Early Detection Works guidelines :

(Last updated February, 2023)